June – the month that brings us the first day of Summer, Flag Day and Juneteenth.
This month’s article focuses on another June holiday, Father’s Day.
It serves as a reminder of the importance of dads and the challenges they face. The role of fathers has changed dramatically over the last century. While traditionally fathers served primarily as the protector, disciplinarian and provider, today they are expected to be much more involved in parenting and nurturing too. It’s no wonder so many dads feel the pressure placed on them to live up to both the traditional and the modern roles of fatherhood.
To celebrate this special day and offer a little support, the Center asked a few of its members to share their advice on being a good father. Here’s what they had to say:
“Respect yourself and those around you and everything else will fall into place.”
“Don’t be scared to ask for help, and if you don’t know something, ask someone.”
“Push through. Things won’t always pan out the way you think, and that’s OK.”
“Sometimes mothers get frustrated and Dad has to step in.”
“Stay away from trouble. All it takes is one catastrophic mistake to ruin your life.”
“Put family first.”
“Go to church.”
“You can’t miss the chances that you don’t take.”
“Time goes by fast, so make the most of every day.”
These words of wisdom come from experience and each father who contributed will say that being the best dad at all times is impossible. One can, however, move closer with every hug, laugh, cry, in fact – every moment they share with
their child.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. There is no greater role in life than being a parent. Thank you for being DAD!
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