Jennifer Ollikainen is named Executive Director of Lutheran Congregational Services.
Jennifer Ollikainen is named Executive Director of Lutheran Congregational Services.

By Jennifer Ollikainen, Executive Director, Lutheran Congregational Services

After serving as Director of Ministries for 2 ½ years in the Philadelphia area with Lutheran Congregational Services, I am thrilled to accept the call as Executive Director effective October 1. I give thanks for Pastor Dennis Ritter’s leadership as Executive Director over the past 9 years and pray God’s blessings be upon him in the next chapter of his ministry.

This organization has a rich history of flexibility and service in response to the needs of our congregations and communities. Together, we will continue to follow God’s call to serve people in need with our ongoing programs and ministries along with new initiatives in cooperative service. I say “we” because our strength is in our community of supporters, congregations, volunteers, program instructors and staff. Together, we multiply our ability to serve and reach out to people in devastating or life-changing situations. Together, we make a tangible difference in the lives of those we are called to serve. Together, we can grow into new possibilities.

In the coming months, I look forward to listening and dreaming with you about what comes next for our shared social ministry. How can we use our collective gifts and resources to make a real difference in the world? I, along with our staff, am available to visit your congregation or organization for worship, supply preaching and presiding, adult forum or committee meeting. Contact me at

I look forward to talking with you soon

Lutheran Congregational Services is a service of Liberty Lutheran, a social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Liberty Lutheran annually provides vital resources to more than 61,000 individuals from the earliest stages of life to the advanced stages of aging, through its family of services in Eastern Pennsylvania.