The word “home” takes on a different meaning for all of us. For some it is a place, for others it is a memory, but no matter where home is or how it changes, the word alone evokes a sense of comfort. For Liberty at Home, providing comfort and hope to patients whenever and wherever they need it is not a task, but a privilege.

“Liberty at Home was so caring. They showed a genuine interest in me and my recovery.” –Paul Butler, patient of Liberty at Home

When Paul Butler needed home care after two separate incidents, Liberty at Home provided compassionate care that made Paul and his wife, Dotty, feel less like a scheduled appointment and more like a family they truly cared about.

Going above and beyond for quality patient care

Liberty at Home is both a Medicare-certified Home Health Services agency, and a Home Care agency. They provide a variety of services from helping out with meals and medications to more complex support services such as skilled nursing and rehabilitation. Liberty at Home surpasses Medicare Home Health’s state and national benchmarks for quality of patient care, as well as hospitalization rates and unplanned care in emergency rooms.

Paul, who received both nursing and physical therapy services from Liberty at Home can certainly attest to their outstanding delivery of quality patient care. 

The vibrant 82 year-old and his wife currently live healthfully and happily in the local Montgomery County area. Paul enjoys listening to opera and spending time with his grandchildren. “I have nine of them. They really keep you going,” he says enthusiastically.

The excitement Paul’s grandchildren bring into his life is evident along with his pride for all of their accomplishments. “We’re headed to Wilkes University this weekend to watch my grandson’s lacrosse game. He’s one of the top ranking players for goals scored in division three!” Paul exclaims, his voice beaming with pride.

Helping a proud grandfather regain his health

When the vivacious and proud grandfather fractured his knee two years ago, Paul’s doctor referred Liberty at Home and they provided physical therapy services. “They set me in the right direction and prevented me from needing surgery,” he says. Paul and Dotty were so happy with Liberty at Home that when Paul was sent to the hospital almost a year later for a separate medical incident and needed home-care once again, they knew Liberty at Home would be there for them.

Living up to their well-earned reputation, Liberty at Home provided Paul and his family with the compassionate care they needed. Paul says what he appreciates most about their care is the way the nurses and staff were genuinely interested in how he was doing.

“They were very personal. I didn’t feel like I was taking up their time, or that I was just another appointment. They really cared about how I was and wanted me to get better.”

Dotty admired the kindness she and her husband received from the Liberty at Home nurses, “It wasn’t ‘Okay do your exercises and on to the next patient.’ They truly cared about us and took the time to ask how we were doing.” Using Liberty at Home’s services on two separate occasions, the Butlers will always appreciate the care they received. If they ever need home care again, the Butlers are confident Liberty at Home will be there for them.

What should patients know about home health?

  • Do your research!

Executive Director of Liberty at Home, Anna Marie Daley, has been working in home health for nearly ten years. As a registered nurse starting in the field, Anna Marie has seen Liberty at Home grow from just a few patients to over 100, and although she’s taken on a new role since then, she says home health will always hold a dear place in her heart.

Anna Marie wants patients to know that they have a choice when it comes to home health care and that research will help them find the agency that’s right for them and their unique medical needs. By using Medicare’s Home Health Compare website you can compare different home health agencies in your area based on ratings and services provided.

Ranking above national averages: Why Liberty at Home stands out

  • Liberty at Home surpasses Medicare’s Home Health national average for quality of patient care
    • National average: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    • Liberty at Home: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Ranking 4.5 out of 5 stars, Liberty at Home surpasses other home health agencies in managing daily activities, managing pain and treating symptoms, preventing re-hospitalization, and preventing unplanned hospital care.

In addition to their outstanding ratings for quality of patient care, Liberty at Home earned accreditation by the nationally- recognized Accreditation Commission for Health Care. The agency’s commitment to quality services and optimum care stems not just from what they do, but how they do it.

Not to brag, but check out Liberty at Home’s outstanding ratings for yourself! Click here to view them on Medicare Home Health Compare

“We treat our patients like family.” –Executive Director of Liberty at Home, Anna Marie Daley

Anna Marie says it’s not always what her care team does, but how they do it that truly makes a difference for patients and their families. “The quality of our care team sets us apart. We have clinicians who have been with us for nearly a decade. We stress various certifications and value their education in the field.”

When Paul Butler reflects on his experience with Liberty at Home nurses and physical therapists, he remembers how they genuinely showed an interest in his recovery. That’s because Anna Marie says her team treats patients like they’re family. “We interact with the people we serve as if they’re our moms, dads, brothers, or sisters. We genuinely want them to get better and to have the best outcomes possible.”  

If you’re looking for home-care agencies that treat patients like family, see how Liberty at Home will be there for you and your loved one.